lauantai 20. huhtikuuta 2019

EN Allergies and Clean out´s for you NOW!

Spring is a wonderful time, but is it for everyone?

Many think this is the best time .. Flowers bloom birds singing the whole nature comes alive!

On the other hand, there are other pollutants and dust from traffic due to the dust of flowers in the air and on dry days in nature. 

This is very uncomfortable for some.

They may notice symptoms like:

- Leaking eyes

- Stuffy nose

- Fatigue

- Headache

- Stuffy feeling

Then it takes all the joy of the energy brought by the spring.

Do you know that your spring doesn't have to be like that?

You too can be totally free and have no normal life!

Remember, Vitamin C is Natural with Antihistamine:
Start an Allergy-Free Life Today!
Here are two great options:
1000mg of vitamin C and nutri-calm.
Muscle Test Your Personal program Today from complementary healthcare professional!

We just have to understand a few things first about our existence!

We are Information so it is knowledge (DNA)
- We wouldn't otherwise know who we are and our cell wouldn't know what to do. Our bodies have also captured all the traumas and incidents of trauma etc .. from our ancestors and stores the information all the time.
after which we will get the energy as we call it also emotions (RNA)
-Without energy, we do not move, and every cell contains electricity when they vibrate depending on their emotion by whatever means.
When knowledge and emotions become physical, or proteins, we can live in this physical world that we are constantly shaping with our thoughts and feelings like a magnet.
- You yourself have created yourself and your own environment according to the law of attraction all you have or is not up to you. Before we became a physical being, we were just knowledge and energy.

I want to tell this to people as often as I need!

ALL of our physical symptoms are caused by traumas and thoughts resulting from them.

Also allergies then!

Psychokinesiology makes it possible to:
Find out what is the hurdle of healing by communicating with the subconscious where the actual healing of the car is located. If you do treatments and treatments that do not affect your subconscious, the results may be very mild if no one at all gets permanent results without the subconscious. Watch the video so you understand better what is Psychokinesiology!

Book your time for the first conversation for free without compromise to get real results in your healing.

When Talking About Allergies:
They are always associated with something traumatic like these very caricatured examples that can watch people, of course, much in general:

Milk allergy is associated with - Mother relationship

Cereal allergy is related to Father's relationship

There are so many allergies as there are substances in the world, and the underlying traumas can be cleared and released every time a unique cleaning course and treatment plan is made that you may want to start.

Healing is scary
Like the change in general, then I can't hide behind its symptom anymore and have to face the world as it is.

No worries The Abundante Salud team for complementary health care is for you and we support and show you the way you can go to get great results and the freedom to enjoy the spring with the full chest!

How do you know it's time to do a cleansing Program?
-You have allergies, Asmas
- You feel sick (stuffy nose, crying eyes)
- Tiredness
- Headache
- Skin problems

- Hyper Sensitivity for many things

When your stool is not of good quality:
- You have to do a lot of wiping after stool

Stools can be loose or constipated

- Your stomach should work as often as you eat if your stomach works 1 x day or every other day you have a lot of rotting food in your intestine that really needs to be cleaned.

Where do you find that stool quality is best?
- You don't have to wipe and the stool floats and points up.

It is a sign that all the slag has been wiped off the intestinal wall.

The cleaning Program will be done every 2-4 times a year!

Clean your home (at least 1 x a week) Clean it up?
Thinking if you had never cleaned your home or just every 5 years, how dirty it would be?
In horrible condition!

Nowadays, we live in a chemical cocktail, water food additives, personal hygiene, and cleaners also have a lot of toxins.

Of course, you have to do everything to reduce the load and thus your cleaning course will also work better:

1. Make sure your drinking water is ionized, alkaline, and hydrogenated:

- If your water is not absorbed, your body will not get liquid and will not be able to cleanse or receive nutrients. Your water should be as alkaline as possible to 9.2 so as to forgive you for other mistakes in your body's habits. In addition, the water does not contain hydrogen and hydrogen water is missing, for example, because hydrogen is a gas which evaporates from the bottle into the air and then the water does not moisturize.

We at Abundante Salud team always rely only on Best Quality and find it at Biocera:

See here the best option for you:

Biocera is the only company that manufactures water treatment equipment that has passed 42 NSF scientific tests and minerals added to water are natural minerals.

2. Reserve your time either

First Free Conversation / External Analysis To find out what kind of cleaning course is best for you:

Is the slag more in the cells, in the space between the cells or in the tissue?

In addition, it is necessary to find out whether the cleaning program is specifically designed for the liver, colon, kidneys, circulatory system or something else.

We have so many instructions if you have a diagnosis give us all the information you need so best we can find solutions for you.

If you have not read my e-book of the Complementary health care (short) E-book please ask it to for your e-mail.

Additionally, sign up for the newsletter to get the best deals and benefits as there are only a limited number of others!

log in to your mailing list here:

Book your time

For external analysis when your symptoms are physical

The first free conversation without compromise if you have a more emotional problem

If you want a direct program Choose your own Health Test to get enough information about what you can digest, the best choice is advanced health test, but if you have complementary health care very unknown, start with a little basic Health test smaller results and guidance to make it easier for you to start the change.

Welcome and Happy and Cheerful Spring!
With loving regards 

Minja Zeus 
Complementary healthcare professional
Founder of an Abundante Salud Team
+34 622 624 112

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